Optimizing Visual Pinball (VPX) 10.8 and NVidia GPU



I am a Virtual Pinball hobbyist and cannot be responsible for your system if you are not familiar with Windows and Visual Pinball or any other supporting software on your system.

If this guide doesn’t work for you, I don’t want to be responsible for you having a non working Virtual Pinball machine.

If your an unsure. STOP NOW and DO NOT go any further.

This guide assumes you are already familiar with Visual Pinball and PinUp Popper and will not be going into detail explaining everything about the system. If you are not familiar with Visual Pinball and PinUp Popper, you should not be following this guide.

This is a guide is intend to be further developed and tweaked over time. This is how I do things on my machines and settings, screens and the steps involved could be different on your digital pinball machine.

Visual Pinball Version

This guide was written using Visual Pinball Version 10.8.0 Beta Rev 1947. Hopefully nothing has changed much, but you never know.

There is a good reference in the official documents that explains the settings available. You can find this at https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/blob/master/docs/View%20Setup.md.

You can find the latest official releases on GitHuib at https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases.
You can also find the latest prerelease and nightly builds at https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/actions.

Screenshot Values

Before we get started, please don’t use any of the values shown in any of the screen captures in this guide. I used a desktop computer to capture the screenshots and they do not match my Ultra VP digital pinball machine. Every setup is going to be different. Every monitor is going to be different. This is just a guide.

OK, now let’s get started

Setting Window mode and getting the table in the center of your screen

There are 2 ways to get into the User Settings for a table to adjust the POV.

  1. Load VPX, Load the table, Hit F6 to Adjust the User Settings
  2. If your table is already loaded and running, Hit F12 on your keyboard to bring up the User Settings window.

The steps from here on are the same no matter how you loaded the table.

Navigate to the Point of View page in the settings window using your flipper buttons (Left Shift and Right Shift).

To move the highlighted option in the menu, use your Magna Save buttons (Left Control and Right Control).

Make sure your View Layout Mode is set to Window.

Press your Launch button (1 key) to reset the view orientation and default values.

Move your highlight down to Vertical Offset.

Approximately center your table vertically on your monitor.

PinballPOV Cyclone Visual Pinball VPX 10.8 Vertical Offset

Move your highlight down so Table X Scale and Table YZ Scale are both highlighted.

PinballPOV Cyclone Visual Pinball VPX Table XYZ Scale

Using your flipper buttons to increase and decrease the overall size of your playfield. Most monitors are going to be wider than they are tall so you’ll have to decide if your table will fill the entire width or not. Doing so will normally distort things a little, but allow you to fill your entire monitor with the playfield. This is your personal preference.

PinballPOV Cyclone Visual Pinball VPX 10.8 Vertical Offset

To adjust the width on its own, move the highlight down to the Table X Scale and use your flipper buttons to adjust the width to your liking.

Continue to switch between altering your Vertical Offset your X and YZ Scale and your Table X Scale until your view is how you like it.

Move your highlight down to Player Y and now adjust the view until the bottom edge of your Flipper Rubbers can be seen over the top edge of the Flipper Rubbers. This is generally how a pinball looks from a real POV. Your height and stance will also affect how this may look for you, but as a 6ft tall person, this is how it looks.

Something like this.

PinballPOV Cyclone Visual Pinball VPX Flipper View

You may need to tweak all the above settings to make sure the playfield is nicely aligned both vertically and Horizontally to your liking.

You can use the Pinball Playfield POV photos on our Pinball Tables section for a good idea of how real world tables look.

Once you are happy, hit the Start Button ( Keyboard 1 key) and that will save the current POV of your table.

Next time you load up your table, you’ll be all set.

Repeat this process for all of your tables. I can be tedious, but it’s worth it to have your tables configured to your liking.